[NOTICE] Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis of BTS Members RM and Jin & Measures Taken (+KOR/JPN)

안녕하세요. 빅히트 뮤직입니다. 방탄소년단 멤버 RM과 진이 25일(토) 저녁 코로나19 확진 판정을 받았습니다. RM은 공식 휴가기간 중 미국에서 개인 일정을 마치고 17일(금) 귀국 직후 진행한 PCR 검사에서 음성 판정을 받고 방역 절차에 따라 자택에서 자가격리 중이었습니다. 그러나 격리 해제를 앞두고 금일 진행한 PCR 검사 결과 확진 판정을 받았으며, 현재 특별한 증상은 없습니다. 진은 6일(월) 귀국 직후 및 자가격리 해제 시점에 각각 진행한 PCR 검사에서 모두 음성 판정을 받았으나, 금일 오후 감기 몸살 증상을 느껴 PCR 검사를 진행했고 금일 늦은 저녁 확진 판정을 받았습니다. 현재 미열 등 경미한 증상이 있어 재택 치료 중입니다. RM과 진은 지난 8월 말 코로나19 백신 2차 접종을 완료했고, 현재 방역당국의 지침에 따라 재택 치료 중입니다. 두 멤버 모두 국내 입국 후 다른 멤버와의 접촉은 없었습니다. 당사는 아티스트의 건강과 안전을 최우선으로 고려해 RM과 진이 조속히 건강을 회복할 수 있도록 최선을 다해 지원할 예정입니다. 또한 방역 당국의 요청 및 지침에도 성실히 협조하겠습니다. 감사합니다. Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC. BTS members RM and Jin were diagnosed with COVID-19 on the evening of Saturday, December 25. After returning on Friday the 17th from the United States following his personal schedule as part of his official vacation period, RM immediately underwent PCR testing, was found negative and entered into self-quarantine in his home as mandated by COVID-19 control procedures. However, he underwent PCR testing today before his scheduled release from quarantine and was found to be positive for COVID-19; he is currently exhibiting no particular symptoms. Jin returned to Korea on Monday, December 6 and underwent PCR testing immediately after his return and again before his release from self-quarantine, and was found negative on both occasions. However, feeling flu-like symptoms this afternoon he underwent PCR testing and was found positive for COVID-19 late this evening. He is exhibiting mild symptoms including light fever, and is undergoing self-treatment at home. RM and Jin both completed their second round of COVID-19 vaccinations in late August, and are currently undergoing self-treatment at home as per health authority guidelines. Neither member had any contact with other members after their return to Korea. Our company will continue to provide support for the rapid recovery of RM and Jin, placing our highest priority on the health and safety of our artists. We will continue to cooperate fully with the requests and guidelines of healthcare authorities. Thank you. こんにちは。 BIGHIT MUSICからのお知らせです。 BTSのメンバーRMとJINが25日(土)夜に新型コロナウイルス感染症の陽性判定を受けました。 RMは公式休暇期間中にアメリカでの個人的な日程を終え、17日(金)帰国直後に行ったPCR検査で陰性判定を受け、防疫措置に従い自宅で自己隔離をしていました。しかし、隔離解除を前に本日行ったPCR検査で陽性との判定を受けました。現在特別な症状はありません。 JINは6日(月)の帰国直後および自己隔離解除時にそれぞれ行ったPCR検査ですべて陰性判定を受けましたが、本日午後に風邪の症状が見られたためPCR検査を行ったところ、本日の午後遅くに陽性との結果を受けました。現在、微熱などの軽微な症状があるため、在宅治療を行っております。 RMとJINは8月末に新型コロナワクチン2回目の接種を完了しており、現在防疫当局の指針に従い在宅治療を行っております。2人のメンバーともに韓国に入国後、他のメンバーとの接触はありませんでした。 当社はアーティストの健康と安全を最優先に考慮し、RMとJINが一日も早く快復できるよう最善を尽くしてサポートする予定です。また、防疫当局の要請および指針にも誠実に協力いたします。 ありがとうございます。